At our warehouse and logistics centre in Wismar, we carry military ship cables in accordance with VG standard 95218 which meet the strictest requirements. We process your order to your specifications – just in time.
As the biggest ship cable warehouse in Germany and the main supplier for many renowned shipyards and electrical installation companies, Friesland-Kabel GmbH also offers military ship cables in accordance with the Bundeswehr’s VG standard 95218. Thanks to stockpiling and warehousing of all common cable types, we can offer worldwide, just-in-time delivery with custom services such as cutting, taping and labelling. Our state-of-the-art logistics centre in Wismar enables fulfilment of numerous delivery requirements, including cutting, taping and labelling at the laying temperature, 24-hour delivery and necessary customs clearances for exports.
Get personal advice from our experienced team of experts today and benefit from our many years of expertise in the national and international market environment. We fully understand industry and product requirements in the maritime and industrial sectors.